Bennetts Rip off !

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Re: Bennetts Rip off !

Post by VTRDark »

Bennetts are a bunch of thieves as far as I am concerned. I have just been done by them in the last week. I have never had a direct debit set up with them, which I thought was the only legal way for companies to take money from ones account. Last week going through my credit card statement I notice Bennetts insurance £100 odd quid :wtf:

I did have a Bennetts policy with my Fazer which I tried to cancel and change address with about 6 months ago. They wanted more from me in cancellation fees and change of address than what the left over months worth of insurance cover was worth, so I left as it is to run out of it's own accord. I have not received anymore paperwork from them as it would have got sent to the old address if any was sent.

So I'm thinking hold on a minute I paid a years insurance with this firm a year ago over the phone, I gave them the credit card number to pay the full amount. Now they have just gone and taken money of my credit card without my permission, surely that is stealing! That's no better than paying for something in a petrol station, restaurant or whatever, someone taking your number and using it to purchase something.

So I eventually got on the phone to Bennetts who told me they automatically take the following years payment for Insurance unless I cancel it. Arpgh... I wanted to do that months ago and the extortionate fees to cancel early made it not worth my while. I explained that the bike is now currently SORN and I no longer want the insurance policy and would like a full refund. I was told I need to prove the bike is SORN and there will be a cancellation fee and I will be charged for this months insurance.

Back to bloody square one again.

Bunch of wombles flowers the lot of them. I'm not saying I will, but I feel like driving down to Coventry finding the office and burning the wombles all to death. Or at least getting my moneys worth out of them in criminal damage to the building or something. Dirty mother wombles and the flowers who decide to work for a company like them deserve the same treatment too for working with such a company. No excuse, well it's just a job and it pays my bills. I don't give a sh1t. If you work for a company you represent them so carry the can for them. Tossers...

Yes I am angry :twisted: :evil: and the stupid thing is that for me to get legal advice or something will most probably cost me more in expense and time than than the Insurance policy is worth, so I am just going to have to cut my losses.

There should be laws for companies just taking money without permission.

Rant Over

Last edited by VTRDark on Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bennetts Rip off !

Post by AMCQ46 »

What a bunch of tossers........send lloydie in he is local
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Re: Bennetts Rip off !

Post by VTRDark »

I'm caught in a vicious circle when I rang them before it was decided to just leave the policy as it was with the old address etc and run it's natural course of action and run out. If I had have known at the time that it would automatically be re-newed then I could have cut my losses back then and paid the cancellation fees etc.
Now they have taken the money I am going to have to find my proof of SORN and cancel, pay what ever fees are due for cancelling etc which turns out to be not much less then the policy to begin with. Rip off.

I thought the only legal way a company can take your money is if a direct debit agreement is signed. It turns out No. It''s like having your credit card number taken and used at their free will. Thieves..

I think I'm going to get in touch with VISA regarding it and see if they can put a stop to it or refund the money. Speaking to Bennetts is just going round in circles and they are making it at difficult as possible for me to cancel without loosing any money to them.

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Re: Bennetts Rip off !

Post by lloydie »

Yep Bennetts got sent to Coventry too :-)
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Re: Bennetts Rip off !

Post by agentpineapple »

tossers and they wonder why we hate them :x
or you could get the fazer back on the road asap, use the policy until the last month, hell even increase it to fully comp with no claims protection, then as you live in west london, find the nearest car worth more than 100k and smash your bike into it(say the throttle stuck open), try not to hurt yourself tho, then they can pay you for your bike and kit and many thousands more for the repair of the car :lol:
just a suggestion mate
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Re: Bennetts Rip off !

Post by VTRDark »

I must admit I did think of having it stolen..... :roll: But it just increases the premiums, it all goes down on the insurance companies database and they are all in cahoots with each other.

They are all as bad as each other you pay more you may get better service, MAY GET, but there's' no guarantees. You could pay a small fortune fully comp with full legal cover etc etc. But when it comes to you making a claim they try to find a way out (loop holes) to worm their squirmy little arses out of it and pay out as little as possible.

The whole business of insurance is a sham. Or is that scam :roll: :thumbdown:

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Re: Bennetts Rip off !

Post by Steve97 »

Its a scam

My father in law worked in the system for years and he said just do third party only, you have to its a legal requirment, the rest is basically baldrocks, they will fight you tooth and nail before they pay out, legal cover is mostly not worth the paper its written on, Am not likely to ride my bike abroad, never have in 42 years, and can sort breakdown cover myself.

If i dont make a claim my premium should go down as a reward for being a good boy ! then why does it go up ?
the idiot teenager in the Saxo thing with the big exhaust , who always gets the blame for the rise in premiums HAS GOT F..K ALL TO DO WITH ME :Argue 1:
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Re: Bennetts Rip off !

Post by chris freckle »

A bit of me to
I moved house in january, phoned to change address for my car with Aviva No problem they say & no charge, result! I then called bennets to change the bike over, cant do that they say Aviva wont cover you at that postodeyou will need to take out a new policy, unfortunatly tha cancelation fee means that I wont get any money back So being january I suggest that they stick there offer of a new policy where the sun dont shine and wished him gooday. Anyway 3 months later the sun came out & I thought its time for a play, so I phoned bennets and had a chat obout how I though that they were thievs & somewhat dishonest & that they would not see any of my money again, to be honest the guy was quite appolagetic but hey, nothing was going change there position so I then asked he could help me with the phone number of the insureance ombudsman (slight pause) he says can you hold a moment, so he speaks to his boss, when he comes back to me he says that aviva will now cover me at the new address & they can refund me the £50.00 charge so it will cost £3.00 in total for a full 12 month cover! Result, but I will not be going back to them anytime soon.
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