Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

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Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by Beast »

Well chaps looks like my Storm is in a little mess after an accident last night. :(
Basically 2 mins away from my front door step and an older driver pulls out from a junction when im basically right in front of him.

How the hell he didnt see me makes me boil!
Bike is so loud even the Fireman told me they heard the rumble before the bang.
Headlight is very bright with a Neon.

After swerving around the car in the middle of the road the bike slips on wet white lines and we go down on our side. The Mrs gets thrown about 2 meters away from me but my ankle got trapped under the bike!
But wasnt dragged luckily as i wasnt going fast at all.

After a few hours in hospital, the mrs is asthmatic and they got her breathing under control, didnt help with her being in so much shock as well.

Were both good but very very sore, lids and jackets done the job well.
Apart from my jeans and knee caps but thats expected.

Not glad but glad it happened right outside the local Fire Station, all the lads their heard the noise and came running out to help and looked after my Mrs very well with o2, blankets and all before the ambulance and police arrived. Great bunch of lads and i managed to thank them today for all their help.
They also have the Storm in their compound yard until it gets recovered tomorrow.
Has a butchers at the Storm today and alot of damage to the right side, nothing that cant be fixed with cheap parts of ebay but depends what the insurance co says.

Don't know if anyone has been in a similar incident and can offer a little advice tho.
As the Policeman said his just going to put it down as a simple accident as we didnt hit each other.

It was dusk at the time approx 6.30pm, the car only had side lights on and wasnt even indicating to turn right out from the junction.
I know the area so well as i've always lived here all my life and i know the stretch off road and always slow down to about 20mph as i've seen cars pull out of the same junction many times when i've been close.
I know i managed to slow down even slower 10/15mph but with the wet road it was simply unavoidable what was going to happen.

The car was out more or less to the white lines in the road where i just managed to miss the front of the car as i swerved over the white lines and this is when the front wheel just simply went and with my horror of oncoming traffic.

Instead of just leaving the car there, the driver reversed back into the junction just before the police arrived.

Now i have heard conflicting reports about accidents as i made anti avoidance manoeuvre?

But this was quoted to me today:

Cars emerging from a junction into the path of a motorcycle.
As a motorcyclist you are afforded specific protection by R. 187 of the Highway Code:

“It is often difficult to see motorcyclists and cyclists, especially when they are coming up from behind, coming out of junctions or roundabouts” Always look out for them when you are emerging from a junction”.

Fault nearly always lies with the emerging motorist in these type of claims, unless the motorcyclist on the major road is speeding or overtaking a line of stationary traffic when contributory negligence usually falls
anywhere between 50% – 80%.

Another fault may also lay with the Council as at this junction the white stop lines at the junction are not printed in the road since the road surface was re-tarmacked approx 6 months ago or more?

Another annoying point is as i was being checked out by the ambulance crew i didnt have a chance to grab the drivers details and the Policeman in charge told me that he had recorded all details for me and i can simply visit the station the next day where he will write up the report and simply gave me a crime ref on a card.

On visiting the police station today for details, the report has not been written up as i was told it was a busy night and officer in charge is due to go on holidays for 2 weeks!
Doenst get any better! lol. :)

Anyone have any other advice?
Thanks peeps and when the bike is recovered tomorrow will take come snaps.

P.S. Sorry for the long rant. :)
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by andyh »

Sorry to hear your crap news Beast :x Hope your both ok and you get ya bike sorted out :(
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by Jazzscot »

hey Beast sorry to hear about your off mate. The main thing is that you and your Mrs are ok. The bike will fix/be replaced in due course.

As for the insurance/police dont get stressed about it mate it will also sort itself out over time.

The main thing is to enjoy the rest of your weekend with your Mrs mate.

Jazz :thumbup:
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by Jbrebel »

Bugger :(

Hope you get it sorted matey.
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by Anotherbikerbabe »

Glad you and your wife are ok.....The car driver is definately to blame. He was emerging from a minor road into a major road and as such should always make sure the road is clear in both directions for him to pull out safely. Just because he didn't hit you, doesn't mean he is not liable, as his action caused you to take evasive action on the road that you had right of way of.The police have wrongly advised you and prob can't be arsed to fill in the paperwork.. Get it investigated.

Also advise you to go down to that junction and take photos of the Stop sign (on the lamp post)and also of the junction etc as you say the Stop sign on the tarmac has not been repainted since putting a new road down and the council should hold records of when that was done......To avoid any confusion and make it simpler for the Ins Co.. :idea:

I would pursue a claim for his negligence and keep receipts for everything you may be out of pocket over and you can hand these to the company you use to pursue any claim....... :idea:

Don't forget to check any personal injury claim...Whip lash/damaged knee etc..
Do not admit anything bar being forced down the road by the negligence and carelessness of the car driver... :mad2
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by benny hedges »

Beast wrote: we didnt hit each other.....

Anyone have any other advice?
doesn't matter m8 - if he caused the accident you can claim.
use these guys -


Jane C's Case:

I came off my bike as a result of the poor driving of another person, and despite their being no impact, took on the claim and with the help of their appointed solicitors we were successful and 8 months later I received my compensation for injury and loss of personal effects.

glad you and mrs are ok bud, could've been a lot worse.

*just notice your post with ref to same site timbo - sorry mate :p
is that rock radio btw?
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by Beast »

Many thanks for all the replies peeps.

Taken alot of advice onboard... all this claiming business is a nightmare! :crazy:

Will limp down the road and take some photos tomorrow, managed to recover the bike today as well from the fire station's compound yard. Doesnt look too bad very cosmetic but the steering is out, its all the little bits that add up.

Will check out, someone also mentioned white dalton?

Looks like i will have to make another visit to the cop shop tomorrow to see whats happening!
Will keep you updated. 8)
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by sirch345 »

I'm sorry to hear about the mishap you and your better half have had to deal with. Glad you both haven't broken any bones, but no doubt it has shaken you both up.

Good luck with getting the bike sorted out.


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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by tony.mon »

Ah! A tuning and go-quicker parts opportunity!

Silver linings and all......

Glad you bounced, though.
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by ChrisC »

As ever..Sorry mate i did'nt see you, just does,nt mean anything does it, now if he had said "Sorry mate i drive around with my f*****g eyes shut" whilst thinking about last years*******holidays, that i could understand . It's time for a change in the law to withdraw the car driver's licence until you have got full compensation and are back on the road, because let's face it whilst you and your wife are hobbling around in pain, this blind b*****d is back out on the streets "not looking" for his next victim.

On a lighter note ,it's good to hear the fire crews where on hand to help you out (fine bunch'o'lads) and that you and your missus are not too badly hurt.

Don't forget keep a record of everything
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by bikerpiker »

Glad you're ok mate ,..........................just been on another forum i frequent ,to read of a guy seriously injured ,2 broken hips,broken shoulder and more ,and another member who's chopped half his thumb off (he's posted a pic)...........yup ....caught between chain and rear sprocket :!:
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by steveb »

If you want to prosecute the driver of the car - due care and attention - you need to phone the police or go back to the Police station and tell them you want to prosecute the driver and make an official complaint.

Don't let a lazy policeman dictate your fate. If it happened as you said, which I do not doubt, it is a blatent due care case.
If the officer in charge is going on hols, wish him bon voyage and ask to see his supervisor so another officer can deal with it.

Are there any witnesses? Without one / more, if the old boy deny's the allegation it would be your word against his - so may not go anywhere. But you wont know if you don't try.

Hope this helps
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by Twinpotter »

Jings.. Glad to hear you are both OK particularly after having read how biker Neville Thomson died in a collision just a mile from home ... 566318.stm. Perhaps a reminder to us all to be on the lookout for the ever increasing numbers of tin-boxed numpties on the road.
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by Beast »

Thanks for the replies peeps.

Steveb not a bad idea, will have to make another visit to the police station.
Have also heard that there is a witness but something the Police have details off.

Were on the mend, but the Mrs came off a little worse, over the last couple of days were not been told that she has 2 suspect fractured ribs and or damage to her spleen. :(

Been a few nasty accidents out there at the moment.
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Re: Another Storm bites the dust... accident!

Post by storminateacup »

It's an INJURY RTC it CANNOT be written of as a non event. Go back to the police station demand to see the Inspector and have it reviewed. There is clear evidence of Careless Driving.
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