Want to cry. my life is knakered

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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by Dean O »

well said jb
all the best to you norma & marty from me & mickie x
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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by Beamish »

+1 , stay strong.
I see myself as a sensitive intelligent man but with the heart of a clown that causes me to **ck things up right at that crucial moment........'Jim Morrison'
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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by sirch345 »

Well said JB :!:

I'm very sorry too hear the latest developments, but hope the chest infection and breathing problems Marty has will improve very soon.

Many thanks for your detailed reply. I (and am sure many other members here too) have been thinking about you all at what can only be a very difficult time :!:

It's good too read you still have your sense of humor, which at a time like this can only be a big help.

I hope the rearranging of the furniture with the relations was a success.

Thinking about you both often,

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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by theflyingpig »

Good Evening All, I've had to set myself up with a login so I could give you and update on Martin (Zer0Zer0), so you've probably guessed now, that its me, Norma.

I've told Martin that I've posted an update and he sends his love.

He is still in the hospital, but he is looking much better. No longer on oxygen and was allowed to leave the ward. Unfortunately not a very exciting trip for him as he decided to go and visit my Mum. Yes, she has been admitted for tests and is apparently dehydrated, but it will give my dad a break and both me and my sister will make sure he is fine, watered, fed, and locked in for the night, (no we're not cruel, he just forgets to lock doors). Of course it makes me have to work doubly hard, Martin and Mum are opposite sides of the hospital.

The electric wheelchair is fab and I can't wait for us to go shopping, you'll get more shopping bags on his new mistress than you will on any of his previous models and if he gets stropy I'll switch drive mode off and leave him having a tantrum in the middle of Tesco's.

Seriously though, Martin would like you all to keep this thread going. Although he may not be contributing as well as he has in the passed, I think it would take him a few hours to try and type a message, he can still read and you guys can be "inspirational" at times.

Love to all.
' :@

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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by pitviper »

Im only in the door of this place so have no real place in this thread but id just like to give you my best wishes and hope that someone can help you through this somehow.

Best wishes,
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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by sirch345 »

Good Morning Norma,

Thanks for the update.

I'm pleased too hear Marty is not on the oxygen now and is looking much better, that is good news.

It sounds like you (and anyone else for that matter) had better watch out in Tesco's when he's using his new set of wheels :thumbup:

It goes without saying we would like to hear from Marty himself, but if he's not up to it, it doesn't matter. We're all still thinking about you.

Sorry too hear about your Mum also, I hope they can sort out her dehydration soon.

Tell the big soft bugg*r we all send our love to him too :)

Take care now,

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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by Pete.L »

Norma said
you'll get more shopping bags on his new mistress than you will on any of his previous models
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Ah Norma I think you're missing the point. It's not how many bags you can carry, it's how many cyclinders you're running. Now, I know it must be a girly thing, what with you all loving shopping and that, but it's most important if ya want ta get a lads respect :wink2

Good luck to the pair of you.
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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by tattie »

Hi Norma,
My regards to you all, tell Marty I am asking after him.

for now

Allan (Tattie)
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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by theflyingpig »

respect to the guys, I'll need to get his wheels sorted with a few cylinders, although not sure if Martin will want me to cover his wheels in cardboard tubes, oh sorry you didn't mean that kind of cylinder. :D

Yo Eddie, cheers for the good wishes, this thread is open to anyone and everyone, old and new to the site. Some are happy to keep it going, whilst others are probably getting fed up with it. Boffered? No, good to see that you all keep your individuality and all comments good or bad are welcome.

Well Martin is being released on Monday, and not a moment too soon. He is looking OK at the moment, and is feeling a little overwhelmed. I plan to post some pictures soon, some are not for the faint hearted, so I will post with a warning. Once I get him in to a routine, and we get the new WAV (Wheelchair Access Vehicle) then hopefully we will be out more than in. The NHS have been fantastic and we both feel that the attention he has been getting, he must be the only patient in Ninewells.

Bad news on the mummy front. My Mum has had her CT scan and yes the cancer has progressed to her brain. At least we know now, that she has been evil for a reason. There is nothing they can do, but we weren't expecting it to be good news. She is being released Friday at the latest and she'll be much happier at home. Being technically blind (she puts it on more when she's in strangers, but can see out of the corner of her eye although not in focus), she is more comfortable in familiar surroundings.

I'll probably leave the update until Martin is settled in at home. We are doing what we can to keep our spirits up but we both have days where its harder than others.

Take care all.

' :@

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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by bikerpiker »

Hi Norma, thanks for the latest news on the big fella.

Keep yer chin up Marty ,and get a wee custom dookit built intae the chair for yer hauf bottle of "Buckie" :wink: .........oh...in second thoughts... it's thon expensive Malt you drink iirc :!:

Seriously ,....i really hope things get a bit easier soon for the both of you ,and best wishes from me :)
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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by cupasoop »

Well, it took me fecking ages but I found some. For those of you who've never met Marty here he is in better health at the Inverness meet 3 years ago


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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by ChrisC »

Hey Norma, I been thinking it's not that long ago since i joined this website (it's the only one i've ever joined) for that matter. But i'm really glad i did, it's not just about the" bike sprockets...camchains...bust bits and pieces etc" It's not just about"the good infomation and friendly banter"we exchange with each other. It seems to me it's about ordinary people getting on with their own lives
but with a common interest.We would pass each other in the street and consider each other as strangers I know we all have a story to tell, some good, some bad, and some"downright outrageous !" But few as inspirational
as yours and Martin's although we will never really know what you are both going through, I hope we can all offer support on those bad days,and have a laugh on the good days.
regards to you both .
(just a guy you would pass in the street)
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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by gilson »

I've been following this thread with both smiles and tears. I don't know a tenth of the support, family strength and humour that's being focused on Marty, all the better for him and those that love him. (I've used his, "the boney one's going to have to take me kicking and screaming" line a couple of times since reading it though, don't ask...I've always credited that to him, no one understands and I've left it there; he's in my thoughts)...

Can we please start a caption competition for those pictures? None will better Martin though...very funny chap....

It would be great to get an update from Martin and no one is getting bored of this topic. We all have something in common, and that's not the love of the VTR, it's the love of respect, carefree attitude and happy go lucky mentality and when someone can't, but wants to experience that, we need to hear about it.....

It means little, but love to you both...
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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by theflyingpig »

since looking at the INverness pics and reading the posts afterwards, I had to send a personal message before I get on with the house work (yes a womans work is never done).

I laughed quite hard seeing the pics and I can't help thinking how ill I was in Inverness (really bad cold, bordering on flu), and that if I felt as bad now, Martin would have to stay in hospital and I couldn't visit. Infection means the difference of getting home or staying in place that messes with your mind.

Everything posted on this site means a lot, no matter how much you say, so keep it up. And as to strangers in the street, I hear you. When I see any biker passing me in the car, I smile and nod, because it could be anyone of you, but it also reminds me of how happy Martin was riding his bike, whether it was a Japanese or Italian mistress. Now he needs to be content with a French mistress as that is where his chair was manufactured.

Caption competition sounds great, so get thinking.

Love to you all.

' :@

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Re: Want to cry. my life is knakered

Post by goody »

ChrisC wrote:Hey Norma, I been thinking it's not that long ago since i joined this website (it's the only one i've ever joined) for that matter. But i'm really glad i did, it's not just about the" bike sprockets...camchains...bust bits and pieces etc" It's not just about"the good infomation and friendly banter"we exchange with each other. It seems to me it's about ordinary people getting on with their own lives
but with a common interest.We would pass each other in the street and consider each other as strangers I know we all have a story to tell, some good, some bad, and some"downright outrageous !" But few as inspirational
as yours and Martin's although we will never really know what you are both going through, I hope we can all offer support on those bad days,and have a laugh on the good days.
regards to you both .
(just a guy you would pass in the street)
Well said, +1
Keep it up Norma!
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